Skip Weekend Warrior Syndrome and have a super summer
Hi, this is Dr. Michael Horowitz Your Friendly Neighbourhood Chiropractor in Vancouver. And the owner of Vancouver Orthotics! This month, with all that great activity being increased inside and outdoor, we’re talking Weekend Warrior Syndrome. Yes, even I fall victim to it. What is a Weekend Warrior you ask? Weekend Warriors attack the weekend with enthusiasm BUT reckless abandon. They often overexert their unconditioned or untrained bodies and so tend to suffer from a repetitive strain injury. Weekend warriors can also be infrequent or inconsistent exercisers. So, they end up with injuries like: • Achilles tendonitis or tendonitis in other areas of the body • Muscle strains, joint sprains • Shin splints • Shoulder or rotator cuff injuries • And low back pain to name the most common ones Many of us, like you, like to get moving when that sun is out and the weekend comes. The problem is we can often over-do-it! Too much of a good thing