Don’t be fooled! April’s arrival signals steps to prevent foot pain and back pain with these top seasonal fitness prep tips from Vancouver Orthotics

Hi, everyone. Dr Michael Horowitz here, your friendly neighborhood chiropractor in Vancouver and owner of Vancouver Orthotic Clinics.    This month I'd like to talk about something that we all know is no laughing matter. April Fool’s Day has come and gone, but if you’re still suffering with foot or back pain, it’s no joke.     Time to take action. Since our bodies sometimes need a little bit of help, I’m sharing tips to help you determine how:     1. Be conscious of your footwear.   * Footwear should be activity specific. The more you plan to walk or be active, the better tread, stability & breathability they should provide.  * Make sure the heel and ball of foot area are stable and sturdy.   * Ideally a higher heeled athletic shoe compared to the forefoot area height. Great brands include the New Balance Fresh Foam Matt or the Hooka Shoe.    2. Track the number of steps you take each day  * Based on symptoms, when in pain try to keep under 5000 steps per day. It's good to know your daily average number of steps.   * If you have a day or weekend where you've taken 14,000 steps, it may give you some clarity as to why you're experiencing foot or back pain.   * Aim for 10,000 pain free steps per day but always choose the right footwear for your days with 7000+ steps.    3.   Listen to your body and pick up its signals     * Understand that pain is a real signal that tells us that something is wrong.  * Pain is definitely worth listening to. It tells you to back off of your activities, reconsider your footwear and the potential need to head over to an examination and diagnosis at Vancouver Orthotics.   * Persistent pain that won't go away after 4-5 days or pain that keeps coming back is a sign it's time to get their feet examined and treated. Consider a foot examination before every new season or at least once per year, to avoid problems and symptoms from developing.    Tune into your body. Your aches and pains may frustrate you, and they may make you a bit irritable and impact your mood. If you find that your feet and back pain take up more mind space than you’d like to admit, then maybe it's time to resurrect your health and get the support that you need.      At Vancouver Orthotic Clinics that supports starts ground up for better alignment and shock absorption.  Consider a foot exam at one of our clinics. It starts with a consultation, a postural foot and spine examination, and ultimately leads to a proper diagnosis and a personal treatment plan    We use the newest 3D foot and Gait Scan technology, and we often recommend a pair of custom orthotics to fit into your favorite shoes.     Please remember that your feet are the foundation of great posture and alignment. So if you want great posture, let’s start at your feet, and go up from there.     Orthotic Clinics can help with your foot or back pain.    You can email us with any questions that you have, or you can call us directly because we'll be happy to assist you.     Again, it’s Dr. Michael Horowitz Foot with Vancouver Orthotic Clinics, affirming that foot pain and back pain is definitely no joke, and encouraging you to resurrect your health this springtime season.     Keep moving with your best foot forward.    Visit the website for more information, videos and tips  Call Us: 604-737-3668  Email Us:


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