
Showing posts from July, 2021

Summer health success tips from local chiropractic and orthotic services

Hi everybody Dr. Michael Horowitz your friendly neighbourhood chiropractor and owner of Vancouver Orthotic Clinics. Today we’re sharing our all-Canadian-pride. You’ll see it in each of our clinics owned by local chiropractors and health care providers ready to serve you, right where you live and work. You’ll also feel it in the Canadian made products we use to care for you.   Like you, I had a fresh view of the resources around us in those stressful times of the pandemic. A desire to support our local community’s services and small businesses who helped us this year to meet our needs everyday right here at home. Each small and steady step of appreciation can make a huge difference.   I’m proud to say I’m Canadian made! Born and raised in Toronto, that’s also where I completed my undergraduate studies and my chiropractic education. My Vancouver practice began with my move here in 2001 with an early focus on chiropractic services.   Over the past 16 years my interest develop

what I've been up to during this Pandemic-BNI-Presentation-July-15-2021

BNI Feature Presentation July 15 2021 What I've been up to during this Pandemic (1) a time to sit back & reflect (2) a time to gear up & plan for new success (3) a chance to follow up on 10 years worth of ideas & implement creative strategies What's the Connection Between Feet & Spine? (1) The body is interconnected from head to toe (2) Chiropractic focuses on the Source of the Problem - which is often from the ground up. (3) Biomechanics & Alignment is another Chiropractic Principle (4) Increases my area of expertise - more people to help - It's Good Business (5) Allows me to use my Diagnosis Skills (Problem Solving) & Help More People (which I love to do)!  NEW LOGO & Business Name (Vancouver Orthotic Clinics)   Expanded Locations: Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey/North Delta, Richmond. Soon Downtown & possibly Victoria, Kelowna & Whistler. I utilize my current marketing strategy & outsource patient referrals to Chiropractic Colleag